Many hands make light work

Volunteer Sign Up

Clevleand Kurentovanje is entirely volunteer run and organized! Want to be involved with the merry-making of this year’s festival?  We are actively seeking volunteers for the 13th Annual Cleveland Kurentovanje! All are welcome to join!

Volunteers are needed Saturday, February 22nd through Saturday, March 1st. Opportunities include set-up for both the Kurent Jump and the Main Festival, merchandise assistants, facilities support, selling drink tickets, bartenders, and other miscellaneous positions at the festival.

All volunteers will be thanked for their generous donation of time with this knitted woven scarf with tassel — our token of appreciation to you!

Please click on the button below if you are interested in volunteering for this year’s festival! Using our SignUpGenius, you can choose your specific volunteer positions and time slots. Thanks for your support!