Event & Music Schedule

9:00 AM: 7th Annual Kurent Dash 5K Race registration and packet pickup begins at Slovenian National Home.

10:00 AM: Kurent Dash 5K Race begins from E. 64th and St. Clair.

10:00 AM: Gates open at the Slovenian National Home & surrounding festival grounds. Returning this year will be a nearly 3000 square foot Children’s Village which will feature play zones, crafting, face painting, children’s programming and more.

11:30 AM: Story time with Maria Bruner (in English) in the Children’s Village

12:00 PM: The Parade kicks off the 13th Annual Cleveland Kurentovanje Festival, stretching throughout the neighborhood. Be sure to head out onto St. Clair NORTH of E. 64th Street!

1:00-5:00 PM: Party time! Check out all four of our music stages, go shopping in the vendor village, and find your favorite food in the food truck park!

1:30 PM: Sing-A-Long with John Srsen in the Children’s Village (instructions in English with some Slovenian songs).

5:00 PM.: The closing ceremony, called the "Pokop Pusta" in Slovenian, symbolizes the ending of the festival. Head over to the fire pits to witness this event!

5:30 PM: The Kurenti go back to their year long slumber and the festival ends.